Volunteers perform an important service for the TPAC, the arts in Tulsa and the community at large. Aside from providing culture and entertainment, the arts generate an economic impact that is vital to our city. By volunteering as an usher, you are contributing to the well-being of the arts and the economy in Tulsa and surrounding communities. Plus, you get to see great local shows!
Usher Certification Trainings
If you would like to join our dedicated corps of volunteers ushering in the Willams, Doenges or Norman Theatres, please join us for one of our certifications trainings.
Ushers must be 18 or older and able to walk up and down stairs without assistance. Volunteers must also pass a criminal background check.
March 12, 6-7 pm
March 19, 6-7 pm
April 9, 6-7 pm
April 23, 6-7 pm
April 30, 6-7 pm
May 14, 6-7 pm
May 21, 6-7 pm
June 18, 6-7 pm
To attend a certification training, just join us in the 2nd St lobby. Once you are certified, you can volunteer for as many or as few of our 2nd St partners as you would like!
TPAC Volunteer List
Want to join our list of volunteers? You could join us for events like our annual Orbit Arts Festival! Just sign up below.